Mors Syphilitica was an American gothic rock band that has caused a significant sensation in the entertainment industry through their music in the 1990s. The band which consisted of Eric ‘Doc’ Hammer and Lisa Hammer came into existence in 1995 following the disbandment of their former group, ‘Requiem in White’ – a band that had both Lisa and Doc; and Christopher Walsh as members.
Mors Syphilitica broke through many walls with their music for several years until their last album Feather and Fate in 2001, a year before the band disbanded. But before then, they released many singles including Fountain of Tears, Remedy, My Virgin Widows, Roses from the Yard; and two other albums Mors Syphilitica (1996), and Primrose (1998).
Their music has been described as original, with high quality, and distinctive as they adopted the use of not so common instruments of Mandolin and banjo together with other common instruments.

10 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know
The Members Of Mors Syphilitica – Who Are They?
Lisa was born Lisa Houle in Massachusetts on April 4, 1967. She is the sister of director James Merendino. Aside from music, Lisa who is a multi-talented woman, is also an actress, writer, director, and producer. She has taken part in the making of several movies and series including The Pox Show (2012), Maybe Sunshine (2015-2016) among many others. As an actress, she has starred in many movies The Invisible Life of Thomas Lynch (including 2009), The Venture Bros. (2003-2010) among others.
On the other hand, Eric Hammer was born on February 2, 1967, and when he took to music, he chose Doc as his pseudonym. His talent is vast as he is a self-taught oil painter, musician, voice actor, voice actor, and writer. With Mors Syphilitica, he was responsible for playing the instruments mandolin and banjo for their music.
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The Members Of The Band Were Married
The interesting thing about Lisa and Doc Hammer is that were not only partners in music but they were much more than that; they were actually a legal couple. They dated in the ’80s before they became married in 1989. However, the marriage crashed in 2008 after 19 years.
Doc Suffers From A Disorder Of The Inner Ear
In terms of health, Doc suffers Meniere’s disease, which is a disorder of the inner ear that causes vertigo and ringing in the ears which is also known as tinnitus. The disorder can affect hearing and balance.
They Stayed Off Interviews
Because of their popularity and the music they offered, a lot of journalists were ready to have an interview with the band but, interestingly, the band was not very available to grant interviews. According to them, they preferred to have their music speak other than they having to explain anything about it.
The Band’s First 12” Single Had A Limited Release of 300 copies
In 1996, the band released its first but limited edition vinyl 12” single that became a huge success. The single also became a collectors’ item because of the limited release.
Their Lives Before Mors Syphitica
Lisa Hammer is a graduate of Emerson College where she obtained a BS in Film, while Eric started as an actor. Before they formed Mors Syphitica, they were members of another gothic rock band called Requiem in White. The band consisted of Lisa and Eric as well as Chris Walsh and Javier Madariaga. They were also the founders of The Order of the N.C.S., which is a sacred ritualistic project that released one CD and performed a magical ceremony in a secret gathering.
They Are Owners Of Blessed Elysium
While some sources claim Lisa to be the founder of the Blessed Elysium Motion Picture Company, a company responsible for the production of German Expressionist films; others claim the company to be owned by both former members of Mors Syphitica.
What Led To The Disbandment Of The Band?
Lisa and Eric had personal problems which led to several disagreements. Apparently, they could not settle these differences and the band parted ways in 2002.
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Where Are They After Mors Syphilitica?
Following the disbandment of the group, both Hammers have gone on to lead different lives. As of Lisa, she continued to pursue a career in music and the movie business. In music, she co-founded the band ‘The Terror Twins’ with pianist, composer, and brother James Merendino of SLC Punk fame. The band has been described as music for ghosts and their music is majorly of light sound piano and a soft soprano voice accompanies the soft piano sound.
Doc Hammer also continues to be a part of films and TV series, as well as music. In 2008, he founded Weep – an American rock band. The band has produced albums including Never Ever; Worn Thin (2010), and Weep (2014). The band includes Hammer, Fred Macaraeg, Alex Dziena, and Bill Kovalcik.
How Much Did They Earn?
The exact amount of money the band earned throughout their successful career is not in the public domain. However, it is believed that they earned quite a handsome good income as a band.