T.D. Jakes is a famous American nondenominational preacher and senior pastor of the Potter’s House. He also extends his gospel message through the movies he produces and the books he authors. As it is, he has written more than 30 books since he started writing.
He is a bestselling author with millions of books sold worldwide. Some notable titles include Disruptive Thinking(2023), Woman Thou Art Loosed, and Reposition Yourself(2007).
T.D. Jakes Books
1. Don’t Drop The Mic
- Published: 2021
- Publisher: Faithwords
If you find it difficult to convey a message in an impactful way, then this book is for you. It offers the best ways of speaking in an impactful using the author’s experience as a preacher and public speaker.
2. Crushing: God Turns Pressure Into Power
- Published: 2019
- Publisher: Hachette Books
This is another book that encourages the reader to follow God’s process of growth and learn how to use our challenging experiences.
3. Soar: Build Your Vision From the Ground Up
- Published: 2017
- Publisher: FaithWords
This is an easy-to-follow approach to launch your entrepreneurial mindset. Also, you’ll pick lessons from the mindsets of people who built wings to reach new heights.
Through this, your vision will be transformed to make a powerful contribution to the world.
4. Destiny: Step Into Your Purpose
- Published: 2015
- Publisher: Hachette Books
The reader is guided on how to their dreams and goals by embracing their God-given purpose. By using courage to face challenges, you will be able to achieve your destiny.
5. Instinct: The Power To Unleash Your Inborn Drive
- Published: 2014
- Publisher: FaithWords
This book encourages readers to tap into their God-given instinct to achieve success.
6. T.D. Jakes Speaks To Men
- Published: 2014
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
The book uses the scriptural lessons from the life of five men to prove that God created people to be free and live with purpose.
7. Let It Go: Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven
- Published: 2013
- Publisher: Atria
Based on the Lord’s Prayer, the book shows that offenses are part of life and the act of forgiving can be applied in different areas such as marriages, families, friendships, and business relationships.
8. The Memory Quilt: A Christmas Story For Our Times
- Published: 2009
- Publisher: Atria Books
Told through the eyes of a grandmother, this book is an inspiration for her and others.
The grandmother in this book thinks about all the Christmases she has spent as she prepares to quilt and this makes her feel like she is all alone.
Aside from reflecting on times past, the lesson is in looking at our actions throughout the giving season.
9. Before You Do: Making Great Decisions That You Won’t Regret
- Publisher: 2008
- Publisher: Atria Books
This book guides you on how to make decisions you will be proud of. It suggests how to reflect, discern, and decide on important issues like love, marriage, and family.
10. Reposition Yourself: Living a Life Without Limits
- Published: 2008
- Publisher: Atria; Workbook ed.Edition
This is an inspirational book on finding life fulfillment at every stage of life. It touches all areas of life ranging from financial, relational, and spiritual creativity
11. Not Easily Broken
- Published: 2006
- Publisher: FaithWords
It deals with overcoming challenges. He tells the story of a couple that is struggling to overcome a car accident and, a fractured marriage.
The story is quite compelling and it has since been made into a movie.
12. Mama Made The Difference
- Published: 2007
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
This book is based on the experience of growing up in the Jakes’ household. The stories told are about time-honored values his mother taught him.
13. Position Yourself To Prosper: Wealth is Not All About
- Published: 2006
- Publisher: Scribe Book Company
It is another faith-based book that shows God as the source of real prosperity. Wealth is shown to be holistic and not all about money.
14. Promises From God For Single Women
- Published: 2005
- Publisher: Berkeley Publishing Group
This is a compassionate recollection of wisdom drawn from scripture to empower women who are looking for love and divine worth to connect with the Lord.
15: Ten Commandments Of Working in a Hostile Environment
- Published: 2005
- Publisher: Berkley Hardcover
This is a hands-on approach for Christians to use in their place of work. Faith is illustrated to be the key to happiness and productivity.
16. He-Motions: Even Strong Men Struggle
- Published: 2004
- Publisher: G.P. Putnam Sons
He-Motions gives an insight into the struggles that a man goes through as he navigates life as a husband, father, son, businessman, and member of his church. The book helps him understand his own needs and how they can be met by those he loves.
This book focuses on sexuality, spirituality, and the various emotions that shape all areas of a man’s life.
17. Intimacy With God: The Spiritual Worship
- Published: 2003
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
The author explains how living in total submission to God will unlock unsearchable riches.
18. Loved By God: The Spiritual Wealth of The Beleiver
- Published 2003
- Publisher: Bethany House
This is a practical study of the love of God. It weighs three spiritual blessings that allow believers to work in God’s abundance.
19. God’s Leading Lady: Out Of The Shadows And Into The Light
- Published: 2003
- Publisher: Penguin Putnam
This book is a guide for women to take charge of their lives. They can do this by stepping out of the shadows and taking center stage as ‘God’s leading ladies’.
20. Overcoming the Enemy: The Spiritual Warfare Of The Believer
- Published: 2000
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
The Christian is prepared for spiritual warfare through the content of this page-turner. Knowing that satan is patient and plans to bring you down, the author encourages you to depend on God and the weapons he provides to overcome the devil.
21. Life Overflowing: Six Pillars For Abundant Living
- Published: 2000
- Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
This book is a guide on how to live a life that is aligned with truth to give glory to God. Since this is the reason for creation, it leads to an overflowing life.
22. The Greatest Investment: Balancing Faith, Family, And Finance To Build A Rich Spiritual Life
Published: 2000:
This is like a budgeting book for readers. It provides the formula for success in life which also leads to a rich spiritual life. The author concludes that the greatest investments are faith, family, and finance.
23. The Great Investment: Faith, family, And Finance
- Published: 2000
- Publisher: Putnam’s Sons
This empowerment book is biblically based on a formula to achieve the personal success that God has promised us.
24. Maximize the Moment: God’s Action Plan For Your Life
- Published: 2001
- Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
The book is a call to action from God for a believer to achieve success and be free from every damaging relationship.
25. His Lady
- Published: 1999
- Publisher: Berkeley Hardcover
The book focuses on how women should let themselves be guided by God.
26. The Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord
- Published: 1998
- Publisher: G. P. Putnam
The author creates a balance between the genders through monologue. The book approaches this through three aspects of a woman’s relationship, with herself, with her man, and with God.
27. Lay Aside the Weight
- Published: 1997
- Publisher: Albury Pub.
This book goes beyond the usual spiritual admonition to take health very seriously. The authors offer advice to those struggling with losing weight and their struggles with unhealthy eating habits.
T.D. Jakes uses his experiences to show that if he can then others can also do it.
28. So You Call Yourself a Man
- Published: 1997
- Publisher: Bethany House
Written like a devotional, the author uses biblical men to show men that God called them to be free, powerful, and filled with purpose.
29. Woman, Thou Art Loosed! Devotional
- Published: 1997
- Publisher: Bethany House
This book is about healing for any battered woman at every stage of life. It shows clearly that no matter the condition of today, tomorrow can be better.
30. Daddy Loves His Girls
- First Published: 1996
- Publisher: Creation House
Like most of his books, this is also a practical one. The book shows how a loving father connects with his daughter.
It provides hope, especially for a woman who may have not experienced the presence and love of a father.
31. Help! I’m Raising My Children Alone
- Published: 1996
- Publisher: Charisma House
The author encourages single parents with a message of hope and biblical advice.
32. Loose That Man & Let Him Go!
- Published:1996
- Publisher: Albury Publication
Like other books, Jakes admonishes men to let Jesus take over their shortcomings so they can come into the light that God planned for them.
See Also: 30 Best Books On Emotional Intelligence
33. Loose That Man & Let Him Go with Workbook
Published: 1995
Publisher: Albury Pub
This book offers insight for both believing and non-believing men to get clarity, healing, and restoration to understand their purpose and vision.
34. Naked And Not Ashamed

- Published: 2011
- Publisher: Destiny Image
The book suggests that trials should not make us afraid. Instead, we should embrace it and take it to God without shame.
35. From The Cross to Pentecost
- Published: 2010
- Publisher: Howard Books
Once more, this book references man’s fall thereby blocking his access to the tree of life. Regardless, God still allows him to access eternal life through the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ.
36. Woman Thou Art Loosed! Healing the Wounds of the Past
- Published: 1993
The book is based on sharing a message of hope for women to soothe trauma, tragedies, and disappointments.
37. Before You Throw In The Towel
- Published:1992
- Publisher: Wolgemuth & Hyatt Pub.
This an eye-opener and a practical book that looks at the consequences of divorce and offers suggestions on how to deal with troubled marriages.