In the animal kingdom, some animals stand out for their remarkable problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and social skills earning a place as intelligent animals. However, others possess very low cognitive abilities that appear less complex than others. The latter category have been called “dumb” animals because of their silly, laughable behavior.
Intelligence is multifaceted, and what might seem silly in one context could be a clever survival tactic in another. Nonetheless, these 10 dumbest animals have conveniently refused to learn new skills or even attempt to try.
1. The Koala
For an animal that uses most of the day to sleep and is unbothered by whatever goes on in its environment, Koalas have the first spot on this list as one of the dumbest animals in the world. They possess limited cognitive ability which is often linked to their small brain size of 19 grams compared to other mammals of the same size. While they can conserve energy because of their small brains, this also costs their intelligence.
Here’s an example of how dumb a Koala be. They can continue to sleep even under the rain and even dumber is that these animals can remain on the tree during bushfires until the fire approaches them.
Since they live high above trees, they do not have predators to flee from and also have easy access to food. It is also for convenience that they consume the eucalyptus leaves which have low-nutrient and require that they spend almost 18 hours upwards eating and digesting.
But maybe they are not so dumb after all since they have complex social signals and can recognize individual trees.
2. The Sloth
Even though Douglas Adams exaggerated when he said Sloths are so dumb that they mistake their arms for tree branches, this does not mean they are intelligent. These animals have brains that are also relatively small, limiting their cognitive abilities. They move very slowly and even when faced by predators, these animals remain unbothered.
While their sluggishness is an energy-saving adaptation that allows them to survive on a diet of low-energy leaves, this extends beyond movement. Sloths also have poor eyesight and rely heavily on smell to navigate their rainforest homes.
Despite this, sloths have surprisingly good memories and can even swim efficiently which defies some stereotypes about their limitations.
3. The Goldfish
The Goldfish is regarded as one of the most popular fishes in the world but unfortunately, it isn’t known for being a golden fish but a dumb one. They possess a very simple brain structure which is made up of fewer neurons compared to other animals. This makes it impossible for them to process information, learn new things, and remember whatever they have learned. As such, its memory is often used as a metaphor for forgetfulness.
From research, the goldfish’s memory is limited and only lasts a few seconds which makes decision-making a hard task. However, this short memory they possess has been linked to an adaptation stategy for survival in their ever-changing pond environment.
Though also part of the list of dumb animals, these fishes excel at recognizing food and can be trained to perform simple tasks which suggests a basic level of intelligence.
4. The Jerboa
You’ll find these small rodents in Asia and North Africa. They have large hind legs for hopping long distances, but their front legs are tiny and almost useless for tasks like digging or grasping food. They are regarded as dumb for their inability to protect themselves from predators as their only protection mechanism is a side-by-side hop in a zig-zag pattern to confuse their predators.
Even though their predators sometimes get frustrated with this running pattern, it does not always guarantee their safety. In addition to their dumb traits, the Jerboa navigate at night using their whiskers which sometimes lead them astray. They have been known to jump straight into brightly lit windows, mistaking them for openings in the landscape.
5. The Dodo
This flightless bird has been long driven to extinction by humans and invasive predators, however, its clumsiness and lack of intelligence give it a spot on this list. When the first European sailors arrived in Mauritius, they found out that the dodos were easy to catch and kill as they had no natural fear for humans. They were so comfortable around humans that they didn’t run or fly away when pursued.
Their lack of fear made them easy targets for hunters. They suddenly declined and eventually went into extinction a few years after humans settled in their habitat.
However, recent research suggests they were likely intelligent enough to survive in their island habitat for millennia before human arrival. Also, it was their lack of fear of humans that led to their demise because they did not have any evolutionary defense against their aggressive predators.
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6. The Turkey
Turkeys are not just known for their large size and distinctive gobble but also notorious for their lack of intelligence. Sometimes they display actions that get them praised as intelligent animals but with a closer look, you’ll get to see how dumb this domesticated animal can be. It is known for its propensity to stare at the sky for 30 seconds or more even when it’s raining. These abnormal staring behaviors has been linked to an inherited condition known as tetanic torticollar spasms.
Maybe they are not so dumb after all since they have good vision and can even recognize human faces. They are also surprisingly fast runners and can fly short distances to escape predators, unlike other dumb animals.
7. The Giant Panda
The appearance of this animal can make it pass as an intelligent animal but don’t be deceived. Giant pandas have a brain-to-body ratio similar to a raccoon’s, suggesting a less complex cognitive ability but this doesn’t justify why they eat leaves since they are scientifically classified as carnivores. Their diet of bamboo which is low in nutrients makes them eat for up to 14 hours just to maintain their energy levels.
Another dumb thing about the Giant Panda is their lack of interest in sexual intercourse which put them on the list of unromantic animals and endangered species. Even when they manage to reproduce, the Panda mothers are poor in raising their young and can intentionally kill them if they get tired at any point.
Despite this, pandas exhibit some surprising intelligence. They can recognize individual humans and communicate with complex vocalizations. They are also adept at climbing trees and have a strong sense of smell, which helps them locate their preferred food source.
8. The Kakapo
This flightless parrot is not just a curious bird but also a dumb one. The Kakapos are mostly found in New Zealand and are nocturnal. They are considered dumb birds for many reasons and one is because they rely on camouflage to avoid predators but unfortunately, their camouflage only works against predators that rely on sight. Consequently, they are always vulnerable to mammals like cats and stoats. According to research, these birds evolved in an area without predators and had ample food. As such, they saw no reason to develop their brains or even work on a better defense mechanism.
Their curious nature has also led them into trouble more often than not, as they have been known to approach humans out of curiosity. If you don’t scare them away, they won’t mind taking a walk with you. Unfortunately, even when threatened they don’t do so much. Since they are flightless, they’ll either stand still, climb up a tree, or jump out of a tree.
9. The Killdeer
Despite having a name that suggests they are intelligent birds, these medium-sized birds do not come close to being any intelligent. They have very poor survival skills and are known to live a maximum of 11 months. Even though they are not flightless birds, they prefer to spend their time on the ground. What is even more dumb is that build their nest on the ground open to predators and other threats.
When predators approach, these birds run toward them instead of flying away and screaming their call to attract their attention. The Killdeer also displays a dumb distraction display. They pretend to be injured to get their predator from their nest but this doesn’t work.
10. Slow Loris Monkey
For an animal that secretes poisonous substances capable of killing predators instantly, the Slow Lori should be one of the most intelligent and powerful animals but sadly this isn’t the case. This small, nocturnal primate is native to Southeast Asia and known for its slow movements and big eyes. What puts them on this list is their lack of problem-solving ability and silly-looking defense mechanisms.
When threatened they can suddenly become motionless after moving for a while and hide their face between their legs when predators approach instead of attacking. The Slow Loris believe that their predators cannot them when their head is hidden. It is for this reason that their species have become endangered.
However, other times they would raise their arms and lick a highly toxic venom secreted from the glands of their upper arm to add groove to their canine teeth while getting ready for a bite. The venom is capable of causing necrosis instantly.