Apparently, music is one of the many things that are shared by different cultures in the world. But, regardless of the universality of music, there are different genres and styles that are predominantly practiced in certain regions that are not practiced in other places. The Banda style of music is a genre of music that originated from Mexico but even in the country, it is peculiar to one particular region.
Banda is mostly known for its use of the brass and percussion and features a large group of musicians playing in harmony. Musicians that play the music that fits the Banda genre of music usually are part of a band of more than four people.
The Banda MS is a group of singers who sing Banda, which is clear from their name. To know more about the group here are 15 important facts about Banda MS.
Banda Ms: 15 Important Facts About the band
We have gathered some fascinating facts about the Banda MS band for your reading pleasure. Continue to see below.
Why the band chose to bear Banda MS
It is not unusual for bands to pay homage to their hometowns, or where they originated from. This homage is often done by writing a song in honor of where they come from, and this group has done the same thing but in the case of Banda MS, their tribute to their hometown was taken a step further. The name of this group is Banda MS, the MS in their name means Mazatlan, Sinaloa which a state in the country of Mexico and also where the members of the band come from.
Who created the band?
Sergio and Alberto Lizarraga, two men who are actually siblings, were the people who had the idea to create a Banda band and in 2003 the duo brought this to actualization. The brothers did not just create the band they were also members of the band for a while but now Sergio mostly manages the group.
Who are the other band members?
As earlier stated, Banda groups are usually made up of a large number of people and Banda MS is not an exception to this rule; the band has a total of nineteen members. Three are vocalists, two play the clarinet and three play the trumpet. Other wind and percussion instruments are shared among the other members of the group.
It is noteworthy that when the group was first created in 2003, Julion Alvarez who is one of the biggest music stars from Mexico, was a member of the band. Alverez worked as one of the vocalists on the band for a period of four years before leaving the group in 2007 to pursue a solo career.
What influences their music?
Sergio, the manager and co-founder of the band has once stated that some of the music created by the band has its roots in indie music.

The Band has had scandals
The band has had their own share of scandals; the biggest one so far occurred in 2016, when in July of that year Alan Ramirez, the lead singer of the group, got shot in the neck. Ramierez was on a journey to meet his wife when the attack happened. The public initially believed that the shooting was a drug-related act of violence.
However, the band clarified that it had nothing to do with drugs and were sure that the shooting was not intended to take his life, a fact that the police corroborated when they ruled the shooting as a stray bullet.
They have won many awards
Banda MS is the recipient of more than twenty awards. A majority of their awards are from the Mexican music award bodies but they have also won awards from the Billboard Music Awards.
What is their best selling album?
Their 2016 album, Que bendicion is their best selling album. The fame it enjoyed went beyond the borders of the country and was loved by fans in the United States and it got to number one the Billboard charts in the United States for Latin songs. Of all the thirteen albums they have, five had gotten to the number one spot on the Billboard charts.
Since the inception of Banda MS in 2003, the band has released an album each year expect in 2003, 2010 and 2019. No podras was their debut album and it was released a year after the band was created.
They brag of high-streaming numbers
In 2018, Banda MS snagged the coveted title of being the artist with the highest streams on Spotify.
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The record labels that have worked with Banda MS
Disa, Disco Sabrinas, Remex Music and Lizos Music are the record labels they have worked with. Banda MS joined Lizos Music in 2014, the record label is owned by Sergio Lizarraga
They sing about heroes
Most of their songs are about heroes and antiheroes, particularly does from the rich history of the country where the band hails from.